Imagination manifested
as moving pixels.

Product launch10

Datscha. The end of Spreadsheets


Datscha, a commercial property software company, approached us with an idea of a “spreadsheet warrior”, meaning someone that would fight against the old ways of working. We loved the idea so much that we decided to build a whole world around it. With strong influences from action cartoons we made this engaging piece in collaboration with fellow cartoon lovers.

Design Sun Creature, Kingdom of Something
Animation Kingdom of Something
Voice over Monte Reid


Datscha wanted to promote their new platform. They don’t use spreadsheets, compared to many of their competitors, so they wanted to emphasize the user-friendliness of their website versus the frustration of slogging through endless rows and columns of data.

Datcha now stands apart from its competitors as more of a top-level real estate platform with the power of an engaging story that reflects their fresh look in the professional landscape.

Through our brainstorms with the client and their technicians, we came up with an idea where Datscha is a superpower that can help you defeat the dark powers of traditional ways of working.

Drawing inspiration from children's cartoons and superheroes, we managed to uncover a story of epic proportions.

Datcha now stands apart from its competitors as more of a top-level real estate platform with the power of an engaging story that reflects their fresh look in the professional landscape.